Integrative health

The Gajer Weight Loss Program

Discover a lasting solution to achieving and maintaining a healthy weight. Our program is a unique blend of lifestyle change and behavior modification, supported by a medical jumpstart grounded in the latest medical science related to weight management. We guide our patients in using whole foods to reach and stay at a weight where they feel happy and vital. We use optional medications such as semaglutide and tirzepatide injections to ensure excellent results.

12 week gut repair program

Gut health is integral to almost every aspect of wellness, including neurotransmitter production, hormone balance, and immune system function. Gastrointestinal dysfunction can contribute to many issues. Over time this leads to chronic nutrient deficiencies, affecting hormonal health.

With our program, you will receive one on one support, a compassionate approach, and evidence-based, scientifically backed practice.

Hormone optimization

Hormones are the messengers that regulate countless functions in our bodies. When they are in balance, we feel our best – energetic, focused, and vibrant. However, hormonal imbalances can throw a wrench into this delicate equilibrium, leading to a range of health concerns. 

Healthier offers both men’s and women’s hormone therapy treatment, where each treatment plan is carefully individualized and tailored to your body and your specific needs.

Advanced blood analysis

The root often starts with what people put in their bodies. Medicine has long recommended treatments that work well for the most people rather than treatments tailored to the individual. Modern scientific advances now allow us to analyze a patient's blood to determine what dietary and environmental factors may be contributing to disease and then to create solutions tailored to that individual's needs. 

We offer food sensitivity testing, cellular nutrition assays, genomic insights, and customized supplements.

Health coaching

Using both guidance and partnership, your health coach can help you identify and enhance areas of your life where you want to not only create but maintain new, healthy behaviors

We provide multiple offerings with various levels of support that fit your schedule and lifestyle.  You can explore a singular topic such as nutrition or fitness or you can explore and assess the 12 comprehensive areas of health and wellness.

  • Immunity Boost

    Jump start your immunity and strengthen your whole system

  • Dr. Myer's Cocktail

    Feel relaxed and refreshed while promoting full body wellness

  • The Quench

    Hydrate and replenish your system with a fluid and electrolyte boost